Physical attacks

Bodily injuries caused by assault are usually compensable. It is important that the person who is physically assaulted files a complaint with the police and seeks appropriate medical treatment and the assistance of a lawyer immediately afterwards so that a claim can be settled in a criminal case if charges are brought against the perpitrator.

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Physical attacks

Bodily injuries caused by assault are usually compensable. It is important that the person who is physically assaulted files a complaint with the police and seeks appropriate medical treatment and the assistance of a lawyer immediately afterwards so that a claim can be settled in a criminal case if charges are brought against the perpitrator. Victims of crime are guaranteed compensation from the compensation fund for victims of crime, which can cover cases that would otherwise not be compensated by the perpetrators. In addition, you may be entitled to your own home or family insurance due to the consequences of physical assault.

If you are in any doubt, you can consult our lawyers. The first appointment is free of charge and without obligation. Our fee is entirely performance-based and subject to the condition that you receive compensation. Do not hesitate to contact Slysaréttur if you have been assaulted. It costs nothing to check your rights.

The compensation

You may, among other things, be entitled to compensation for temporary loss of income, suffering and permanent disability, attorney’s fees, out-of-pocket expenses and other financial damages.

The process

It is important to report bodily injury to the police as soon as possible. Immediately afterwards, it is important to seek the help of a lawyer so that the compensation claim can be made in a criminal case if charges are filed against the perpetrator. Our lawyers help you communicate with the police and the prosecution so that your case is properly handled in the justice system. Then we can assist you in obtaining information and data about your loss. It is extremely important to also file a claim with the compensation fund for victims of crime so that the right to payment from there is not lost. Criminal cases have very different processing times, so it can be important to file a claim as soon as possible. Our lawyers will then appear with you in the courtroom and argue for your claim. Our lawyers can help you collect compensation following a judgment and with an independent court case, if the claim does not reach the criminal case.


We will find a solution to this together

We investigate all cases and do our best to provide professional, reliable, and fast service. If you have been involved in an accident, we encourage you to contact us as soon as possible and we will take care of the matter.

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