Traffic accident
After a traffic accident, you may be entitled to compensation whether you were a passenger, driver, or pedestrian. Those who are injured as a result of a registered vehicle are entitled to compensation from the insurance company of the vehicle in question. Persons other than the driver who suffer bodily injury as a result of using a vehicle are entitled to compensation from the car’s liability insurance for passengers and others who are injured. A driver who causes an accident is entitled to compensation from the driver’s and owner’s accident insurance, but driving under influence may lead to a reduction or loss of the right to compensation. If you have been involved in a traffic accident, it is important that a report is made and the police called, depending on the circumstances. Afterwards it is important to go for a medical examination as soon as possible after the accident and to report the accident to the relevant insurance company.
If you are in any doubt, you can consult our lawyers. The first appointment is free of charge and without obligation. Our fee is entirely performance-based and subject to the condition that you receive compensation. Do not hesitate to contact Slysaréttur if you have been in a traffic accident. It costs nothing to check your rights.
Ef þú ert í einhverjum vafa þá getur þú ráðfært þig við lögmenn Slysaréttar. Fyrsta viðtal hjá Slysarétti er þér að kostnaðarlausu og án skuldbindinga. Þóknun er að öllu leyti árangurstengd og bundin því skilyrði að þú hljótir bætur. Aðeins kemur til greiðslu þegar bætur hafa verið innheimtar. Ekki hika við að hafa samband við Slysarétt hafir þú orðið fyrir umferðarslysi. Það kostar ekkert að kanna rétt sinn.
The compensation
You may be entitled to compensation for temporary loss of income, suffering, permanent loss and disability, as well as reimbursement of medical expenses incurred as a result of the accident.
The process
It is important to report a traffic accident and seek medical attention immediately after an accident has occurred to ensure proof of the incident. In the future, it is good to contact us and we will help you with data and information gathering. Following this, an assessment of the consequences of an accident is carried out, but usually it takes at least one year from the accident until its consequences can be finally assessed. After that, compensation will be settled. Most of the time, an agreement is reached on a compensation settlement, but if there is a dispute about the liability for compensation or the amount of compensation, we take care of seeking a solution from the relevant arbitration committees and/or courts.